credit: third party image reference If changes in life haunts you and you are least comfortable with changes, then this one is for you! Many of us find it difficult to change according to situations. This is because we are in some way or the other scared of changes. Some will say that, “Oh come on, I am not scared of changes, let it come I’ll face it all”. But, speaking frankly we all get little disturbed if things don’t work as per we expected them to be. Exactly, that’s what happens deep down we all have expectations of how things will go about in our life. But, as soon as some situations change and we find that nothing is going according to how we thought it would be and we resist changing according to it. In simple words, we resist change in our life. Psychiatrist Elizabeth Kubler explains this beautifully in her Kubler-Ross Model. The model explains the five stages of human emotions when something changes abruptly or when human finds it difficult to cope up with the change. The fi...