Did you know that eating the right food at the right time is a medicine to our body?
If no, then you need to check this out!
We always eat whenever and whatever we feel without any thought behind it.
But food is that fuel to our body that not only gives us the energy we need but also cures our body just like medicine.
After eating the right food of right amout and at the right time, we can see some miraculous difference in mind, soul and body.
Right! Not only the body but also our soul and mind.
All these benefits can be only seen if we consiously eat food with total awareness.
Let's see how!?
1) What to eat?:
Fresh, Local, Satvic and Seasonal. Nature has designed certain types of food for certain type of areas. Well, this verifies the theory of eating food grown within 100Km radius. This local food is mostly fresh with all the 'satva' in it. Also, season is a major element that we need to consider.
2) When to eat?:
Our digestive system is synced with the sun. That is: Our digestive fire increases- with the rising of sun, our digestive fire reaches it's peak- when the sun is at the top and our digestive fire dampens- with the setting of sun. Hence, it is really important to follow the nature of the body and eat accordingly.
3) How to eat?:
Well, that is no hidden to anyone 'Chew 32 times', a very conscious way to eat food. This shows us the importance of loving the food and enjoying every morsel of it. As simple as this sounds, but hard to implement.
All of these are some ways of eating consciously, with all the attention which fascinated me the most.
As I started implementing them, it was a challenge to change all my eating habits as a foodie. But, consistency was the key along with the will to eat consiously for a 'Better self'. I really started this as an experiment but the results were unpredictably awsome.
In a country that we live, we consider our body as the temple, it is important to preach it with complete devotion.
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