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Plan-Organize-Recreate: "I love you Food, Do you love me back?"

If you love your food, does it love you back? It's high time we ask this question to our food because nobody loves the idea of loving and not getting it back!
Dr. Daniel Amen is the inspiration behind this blog. He is a world renowned psychiatrist, professor, speaker and author. He has been working how brain and mind works and about brain health for a quiet long now. Psychiatrists are the only medical specialist that virtually never look at the organ they treat and work on mere guess of cluster sysptoms, but with his love for medical imaging Dr. Amen has the largest database of brains in the world with an experience of scanning 83,000 brain.
Why brain health? 
Simple, if our brain works well, we work well! This is so easy to understand but hard when we put it in practice.
According to Dr. Amen, There are so many risk factors that pushes the brain of a person to stress, anxiety, depression, worries, strokes, seizures, alzheimer and soo many other health and mind related problems but he extensively focuses on and talks about Food!
Isn't it interesting?
I mean we can shape our brain health the way we want it with food! We can reverse our brain health problems with food!
There are so many segments on what to and what not to eat for good brain health but the one which is crucial and hit me the most is 
'Cutting down on Sugar!'
It is proved that the brain functioning of a person is linearly related to sugar-intake of that person. This means, the more the in-take of sugar, the more functioning of brain goes down.
This is how sugar does it:
There are critical brain hormones like thyroid, insulin, testesterone, estrogen and progesterone (in women) that are responsible for mood, memory, motivation and strength. After a session of eating sugar, they drop by 25%. These are the repurccutions of sugar!
You might say that, I have a small sweet dish after my meal, so that won't affect me that severely! But we forget that sugar is literally used everywhere. It is used in all packaged food, it's in your MacDonald burger, it's in your coke and where more to mention? The packaged-food industry and fast-food industry hire neuro-scientists to serve us food with perfect saltiness, perfect meltiness, perfect crispness so that we never feel like eating healthy food again. All this for their financial gains, not our health! It's high time we stop putting blame on 'fats' and realise that it's actually 'sugar'!
These are some steps I tried to cut down my sugar intake:
1) Start with 'I love you, will you love me back?':
I can't explain how much this line changed my food choices. I ask this before I eat anything. It is really important to be loved back, when we love something to the heart core. Nobody absolutely nobody wants to love and not get that love back. So, this statement really works!
2) Find a replacement: Try replacing sugar with some other healthy option. I try to switch over to honey, jaggery and fruits. With all the packaged food we use in daily household chores like sauces, bread and many more, I really try to switch over to something more healthier. For example: I replace sauce by chutney.
3) Wanting to eat sweet, isn't bad! :
As I mentioned in my blog "If you love eating food to heartcore..", wanting to eat sweet-taste food is normal and the need of the body. So never feel the guilt of eating sweet! 
But be really careful while choosing what to eat!
That was all for today!
Will meet you all on next Monday! 
Until then do like, share and comment on my blog!
And Let me know your reviews on it!


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